Sub-advisor outlook and investment strategies

CIBC Asset Management’s sub-advisor partners discuss the outlook for various asset classes. Investment professionals from around the globe discuss how they’re positioning investment strategies to align with market expectations this year.


Wasatch Global Investors - Global Equities

Paul Lambert, Lead Portfolio Manager for Global Small Cap at Wasatch Global Investors shares the 2024 outlook for global equities and the investment strategy for the Renaissance Global Small-Cap Fund.

Walter Scott & Partners Ltd. - Global Equities

Roy Leckie, Executive Director, Investment & Client Service at Walter Scott & Partners Ltd shares the 2024 outlook for global equities and the investment strategy for the Renaissance Global Growth Fund.

PIMCO - Global Multi-Sector Fixed Income

Prerna Gupta, Senior Vice-President and Fixed Income Strategist at PIMCO shares the 2024 outlook for global multi-sector fixed income and the investment strategy for the CIBC Diversified Fixed Income Fund.

American Century Investments - US Equities

Brian Wolgom, Vice-President and Senior Portfolio Manager at American Century Investments shares the 2024 outlook for US equities and the investment strategy for the Renaissance U.S. Equity Income Fund.

If you have questions about our sub-advisor managed funds or our investment solutions, please reach out to your advisor or CIBC representative anytime.